Monday, May 10, 2010

Grails remote jQuery form validation

<script type="text/javascript">

$(function (){


        rules: {

            'address.postalCode': {

                required: true



        messages: {

            'address.postalCode': {

                required: "Please enter a postal code."






<g:form method="post" action="register" name="form">

    <input type="text" name="address.postalCode" id="postalCode" />

    <input type="submit" value="Proceed" />


Grails Return JSON

Domain Class:

class MyDomain {

String name

String address

String gender


Controller Class :

class MyController {

def someaction =

List myDomains = MyDomain.findAllByGender(params.gender)

<em>/*Let say 5 objects are retrieved*/</em>

render myDomains as JSON



The above code in action will render a JSON string in the following format:

"name" : "John",
"address" : "New York",
"gender" : "Male"
"name" : "Rob",
"address" : "Indonasia",
"gender" : "Male"
"name" : "Shayam",
"address" : "New Delhi",
"gender" : "Male"
"name" : "Chang",
"address" : "Thailand",
"gender" : "Male"
"name" : "Ali",
"address" : "London",
"gender" : "Male"

following script would be writtent on the client Side (in the GSP):




<strong>$.getJSON</strong>("${createLink(controller:'my',action:'someaction')}",{gender:'Male', ajax:

var myHTMLString =

for(var i =
; i < myDomains.length
; i++)


myHTMLString = myHTMLString +
+ myDomains[i].name

myHTMLString = myHTMLString +
+ myDomains[i].address

myHTMLString = myHTMLString +
+ myDomains[i].gender








The HTML code would be like this :

<div id="someid">
Click for JSON Response
<table id="mytable">
<!–empty table –>

When you click on the displayed text the html page would become like following:

<div id="someid">
Click for JSON Response
<table id="mytable">
<td>New York</td>
<td>New Delhi</td>

any kind of suggestions and comments are welcome……

Groovy List<Integer>

List<Integer> list = [5,6,7,8]

list.each({line -> println line})

list.each({println it})

Basic Groovy Lang…

println '######################## List ##########################\n'

List<Integer> list = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,7,6,5,6,7,5,6,5]

println 'value list[0] is '+list[0]

println 'value list[3] is '+list[3]

println 'value list[8] is '+list[8]

println 'size = '+list.size()


println '######################## MAP ##########################\n'

Map map = [:]

def map2 = ["Jim":"Knopf", "Thomas":"Edison"]

println map2["Jim"]

map2["Test"] = "Tester"

println map2["Test"]


println '######################## For ##########################\n'

for (i in 0..9) {

println ("Hello $i" )



println '######################## Defines a string with special signs ##########################\n'

// Defines a string with special signs

def text = "John Jimbo jingeled happily ever after"


// Every word must be followed by a nonword character

// Match

if (text==~/(\w*\W+)*/){

println "Match was successful"

} else {

println "Match was not successful"


// Every word must be followed by a nonword character

// Find

if (text=~/(\w*\W+)*/){

println "Find was successful"

} else {

println "Find was not successful"



if (text==~/^J.*/ ){

println "There was a match"

} else {

println "No match found"


def newText = text.replaceAll(/\w+/, "hubba")

println newText

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Crate Grails


C:\>grails create-app MyApp

Welcome to Grails 1.2.1 -

Licensed under Apache Standard License 2.0

Grails home is set to: C:\grails-1.2.1





grails tomcat

Found events script in plugin tomcat

Created Grails Application at C:\/MyApp

C:\>cd MyApp



C:\MyApp>grails run-app

Welcome to Grails 1.2.1 -

Licensed under Apache Standard License 2.0

Grails home is set to: C:\grails-1.2.1



#4 ทดสอบ
